FRP Grating
FRP Mini Mesh has the same benefits as the standard square mesh, with smaller openings in the mesh. This is ideal in locations where a smaller aperture is preferred. Mini mesh grating aperture range between 19mm and 20mm, which makes the opening approximately 12-13mm.

GratEX® Mini mesh is compliant with the below standards-
• AS 1428 – 2010 – Design for access and mobility series, provides design requirements for buildings encompassing the specific needs of people with disabilities.
• AS 1657 – 2018 – Fixed platforms, walkways, stairways and ladders – design, construction and installation.
• AS 4586 – 2013 – Slip resistance classification of new pedestrian surface materials.
It is recommended to check availability of the specified dimensions even though Treadwell maintains a sizeable stock and range of sizes and thicknesses of GratEX® Mini Mesh for project requirements.